King's Schools provides an excellent education and excellent teachers. We seek to hire and keep the most passionate teachers in the business who share our commitment to excellence.
We believe every child deserves a quality Christian education and we go to great lengths to make that opportunity a reality for ALL of our students.
Our mission is to train the next generation of leaders. Our students will be knocking on your door for a job...they will be the ones that will operate on and fix your homes...and determine whether your children will be able to continue living in the land of the free and the home of the brave. Most importantly, they will be the ones that determine that the United States of America continues to be one nation...under God.
K-5 specialty classes include Music, Spanish, Art, Computers and Ukulele. Middle School Elective Classes in STEM, "Meet the Masters" Art, Journalism, Photography, Forensic Science,
Technology, Drama, and Money Management.
We offer free bus transportation to and from Southwest Church every day to families in the Coachella Valley.
CORE VALUE recipients
May Core Value Award for Evangelism - Jayla Mejia-Diaz
- Kindergarten
May Core Value Award for Evangelism - Emilia Nitzsche
- First Grade
May Core Value Award for Evangelism - Hunter Robinson
- Second Grade
May Core Value Award for Evangelism - Kian Morales
- Third Grade
May Core Value Award for Evangelism - Micah Phillips
- Fourth Grade
May Core Value Award for Evangelism -Sadie Rogers
- Fifth Grade
May Core Value Award for Evangelism - Sophia Figueroa
- Sixth Grade
May Core Value Award for Evangelism - David Thatcher
- Seventh Grade
May Core Value Award for Evangelism - Hailey Mueller
- Eighth Grade
May Golden Whistle Award - Christian Phillips
- K-5 P.E.
May Music Award - Emilia Chapman
- K-5 Music
May Art Award - Sarai Diaz
- K-5 Art
May Spanish Award - Keeley McCartney
- K-5 Spanish
May Computers Award - Shaun Stuart
- Computers
May Golden Whistle Award - Adam Zielinski
- Middle School P.E.
Thank you to this year's 23-24 Bowl-A-Rama Sponsors