Knightline 12/14/20

Monday, DECEMBER 14:  

  • KMS TOY DRIVE: Our Middle School students are collecting toys for children in need through The Narrow Door.  If you would like to participate and bring in a toy, please contact Mrs. Nickell for more information. Toys must be brought in by Wednesday, December 16.

Tuesday, DECEMBER 15

  • MOMS IN PRAYER: 8:30am - Meet near the flagpole after flag ceremony. 
  • FREE DRESS FOR 100% AR STUDENTS: Students that received 100% of their AR goal in class may come in Free Dress.  Please adhere to the free dress guidelines.

Wednesday, DECEMBER 16:
Thursday, DECEMBER 17:
Friday, DECEMBER 18:

  • 1/2 DAY (In-service): Elementary dismissal- 11:15am, Middle School dismissal- 11:30am. No aftercare is available 
  • FREE DRESS DAY: Free dress may be worn by all eligible students. Please adhere to the free dress guidelines.
  • MS GIRL'S BIBLE STUDY: 7:40am - 8:15am. All 6th - 8th grade girls are encouraged to join Mrs. Fredregill in the MPR for Middle School Bible Study.
  • ALL-SCHOOL CORE VALUE CHAPEL: Core Value of Family Focus - 8:30am.  Families are welcome to join us for our all-school outdoor chapel around the flagpole.

What's coming up...

  • CHRISTMAS BREAK: December 19 - January 3. School Returns Monday, January 4. 
  • NORMAN'S UNIFORMS WILL BE ON CAMPUS: January 12. 2:00pm - 5:30pm